Yes. These events are all true. The tales of one man and his doghouse. Email me if you have any Dave quotes or pictures worthy of putting up at

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How to beckon a Dave

Ok kids, having progressed thus far through the remedial class, now it is time for the next lesson: How to attract Dave to your wherabouts when on a dance floor. The safest way is to grab on to your groin, and point in the air with your eyes shut.

As you can see, this highly attractive pose, as (not) endorsed by Terry Nutkins, allows the Dave to hear you from quite a way away. As you can see by the sweat patches, it is clear that Dave has had to travel quite a way in order to find the person pulling of the sacred dance of Dave. However, Dave still has found the energy to execute his trademark stare at the camera despite travelling this kind of distance. But then again, what else would you expect?


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