Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Slappy New Year

Of which I think there are thousands, just hiding particularly well in the woodwork.
For new years Dave (As it shall now be known) guess who got some stunning new shades?
Technically they are visors... They allow Dave to see through semi-permeable materials like windows, cling film, and of course, shower curtains.....
Look out for the 2007 model of Dave coming soon, to a shower near you.....
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
50th Posting Anniversary
Wow, how the times have flown by. The last post was actually the 50th. I feel like I ought to celebrate this, so I'm eating a cake. This cake, however, is a photographic gateaux of Dave sized proportions. What the hell, I'll share it with you.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Back by popular demand
Well well well.
It just seems as if you could not cope without. Eh?
Well hello again!

Welcome back. Have a Dave: In fact have some more.

See. Now you like that. I know you do. You know how I know? Because since I last updated, nearly three hundred people have looked on this website. I say this optimistically, because it's probably just one person three hundred times, but nevertheless, it's impressive!!
So I am going to start updating a bit more I think. Maybe. We'll see
Thanks for stopping by, but mainly, stay classy