Yes. These events are all true. The tales of one man and his doghouse. Email me if you have any Dave quotes or pictures worthy of putting up at

Friday, March 31, 2006

Like when the BBC was just people talking about shipping and things

Keeping it old school today, I'm afraid. Yes that means no pictures.

It appears my old laptop was holding more Dave than it could handle. whilst this was good for a while, it appears that there was only so much Dav the laptop could handle, and it blew up, complete with all the unseen Dave pictures that were waiting for this website.

SO... I am writing this on a piece of paper, in the vague hope that it will somehow end up via carryer pigeon, being on the correct website. If you can read this, that means that it has been successful.

So whilst I can not offer you visual delights, here is an equally amazing anecdote, taken from a conversation between Dave and a random lithuanian busker (Name, randomness, nationality and occupation changed to protect anonymity):

Dave: 'The third conversation I usually have with girls is about my broken collar bone'

Random Lithuanian Busker: 'Oh right, what are the other two?'

Dave: 'Don't Know. Something about tits probably'


If you enjoyed that, please help me keep this sit going. I need donations of Dave picturesand stories to put up on this website. Email or send them via picture message from your phone to, and as soon as I get a new laptop, I will endeavour to keep you up to date.

Plus it's Dave's birthday next week. Email me at if there is a certain type of pose you would like me to get Dave to pull, much like the queens' official birthday portrait.

Thats all for now,
Keep Dave Comfy,


Friday, March 24, 2006

Stand and Deliver

There are no lengths Dave will not go to. Bear in mind that sometimes he may be disguised, as he is here, where he is dressed as 80's singer Adam Ant.

Check, mate

Dave ponders his next move, like a studly Kasparov. In a Buzz Lightyear suit, of course

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Poetry in Dave-land

Apologies, people for the lack of Dave updates recently. However the lack of posting cannot stop the most ardent of Dave fans from posting random comments and poetry to the board.


Dear Dave the legend that lives in the doghouse(in the style of 'Dear Deirdre')

We have a friend we'll call her Nessie,
she has a problem it's a little messy.
she met a guy we'll call him Bave,
she snogged his face and felt his wave,
now heres the rub, our nessie is in love!

We desperately need your help oh dave,
for Nessie is in danger grave,
She wants to become a dirty love slave
for the man who we call Bave.

Help her please we beg dear lord,
before our Nessie succombs to his love sword!!

Yours, R-H-Sz + J-W-Re

Crazy, poetic, or possibly just the ramblings of somebody teetering on the edge of sanity? I shall leave that up to you....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Under a cool wave of manliness

Carlsberg don't do manly action shots, but if they did, they would look exactly like this

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Awwww ickle pudding

Awwww..... Look at the little Dave with his sidekick..... Together they were prepared to fight crime and solve puzzles.... However a little thing called the Doghouse got in the way of this:

And the rest is...... as they say..... History.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How to beckon a Dave

Ok kids, having progressed thus far through the remedial class, now it is time for the next lesson: How to attract Dave to your wherabouts when on a dance floor. The safest way is to grab on to your groin, and point in the air with your eyes shut.

As you can see, this highly attractive pose, as (not) endorsed by Terry Nutkins, allows the Dave to hear you from quite a way away. As you can see by the sweat patches, it is clear that Dave has had to travel quite a way in order to find the person pulling of the sacred dance of Dave. However, Dave still has found the energy to execute his trademark stare at the camera despite travelling this kind of distance. But then again, what else would you expect?