Yes. These events are all true. The tales of one man and his doghouse. Email me if you have any Dave quotes or pictures worthy of putting up at

Friday, June 30, 2006

Everything that has a beginning.....

For those who have been wondering about the V wristband competition, it finally reached its conclusion when in the Isle of Wight, when upon the last night, Dave and I removed (surgically) the wristbands....

They were removed by the good Dr. Dunc (In the middle - Eddie), although I'm not sure how many doctors smoke while carrying out delicate procedures... Oh well, can't fault his work!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dave Loves Van

When Suggs in 1986 Sang 'Soon as I wake up, every night, every day, I know that it's you I need to take the blues away..... it must be love, love, love' Little could he have known that the lyrics would never find their true meaning until Dave encountered the blue van in the picture above.....

So much passion towards the Ford Transit....... Beautiful

Monday, June 19, 2006

Let me tell you a story

I have broken out a classic photo of Dave giving a lecture here...

Dave told me the other day that we have to give credit to Jess for his adoption of the saying 'Shit the bed'

Which may be adapted by Dave into one, and possibly more of the following permutations:
'Shit the seabed'
'Shit the frying pan'
'Shit the shower'

Jess also suggested that a royalty should be paid every time such a saying is used on this website.

In response, y'all get to look at Dave, which is surely more than any financial reward given?

That has to be more than the eyes of the law expect!!!!

Jimbo x

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Shit the bed....

Oh my word, the past week has provided too much clasic Dave for the amount of time I have today, however, as a brief celebration of Dave becoming the world 'on the bus' champion (59 fingers? Rather him than me)

Obviously Dave was back on the bus Tuesday night. Here is a pre-bus photo of Dave:

And post a bus journey (which Dave insited was extended), this is what he looked like:

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dave: The Summer Tour

Dave: the summer season starts this week, with Dave off to the Isle of Wight festival with us, as you can see by the photo above, should any band have a band member missing, then Dave is in a good position..

However, Dave did have the genius idea of having a Toga party whilst at the festival... genius... However, he did also suggest that we have a pyjama party..... Oh well

All of the stories, some fact and some fiction, next week!

Wish me luck...
