Like when the BBC was just people talking about shipping and things
Keeping it old school today, I'm afraid. Yes that means no pictures.
It appears my old laptop was holding more Dave than it could handle. whilst this was good for a while, it appears that there was only so much Dav the laptop could handle, and it blew up, complete with all the unseen Dave pictures that were waiting for this website.
SO... I am writing this on a piece of paper, in the vague hope that it will somehow end up via carryer pigeon, being on the correct website. If you can read this, that means that it has been successful.
So whilst I can not offer you visual delights, here is an equally amazing anecdote, taken from a conversation between Dave and a random lithuanian busker (Name, randomness, nationality and occupation changed to protect anonymity):
Dave: 'The third conversation I usually have with girls is about my broken collar bone'
Random Lithuanian Busker: 'Oh right, what are the other two?'
Dave: 'Don't Know. Something about tits probably'
If you enjoyed that, please help me keep this sit going. I need donations of Dave picturesand stories to put up on this website. Email or send them via picture message from your phone to, and as soon as I get a new laptop, I will endeavour to keep you up to date.
Plus it's Dave's birthday next week. Email me at if there is a certain type of pose you would like me to get Dave to pull, much like the queens' official birthday portrait.
Thats all for now,
Keep Dave Comfy,